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Hackers Threatening to ‘publish’ Stolen Data from NHS Trust

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The hacker group published its demands, including publishing stolen data, last week (March, 27)

The group, known as INC Ransom, claimed responsibility for the NHS Dumfries and Galloway cyber-attack and is “threatening to publish a huge cache of stolen data,” according to the BBC.

You can read our previous story here

In the report by the BBC, “The cyber criminals have published what they’ve called a ‘proof pack,’ including confidential information on a small number of patients.”

You can read the full story here

What has been the Government’s response?

The First Minister said that the Government is “doing everything it can to stop the release of the stolen data.”

Jeff Ace, the Health Board’s Chief Executive, said: “Patient-facing services were functioning ‘effectively as normal’ after the attack on IT systems earlier this month.”

The health board will be making contact with any patients whose data has been leaked.

He continues: “We absolutely deplore the release of confidential patient data as part of this criminal act.

“NHS Dumfries and Galloway is very acutely aware of the potential impact of this development on the patients whose data has been published, and the general anxiety which might result within our patient population.”

The health board is continuing to work with the authorities to nullify the attack.


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