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NHS Dumfries and Galloway Data Breach Warning ‘Issued To Everyone’

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Patient and staff data is “likely” to have been compromised in the Dumfries and Galloway area.

In a report by the BBC, it claims that “The health board is expected to send out leaflets from the Chief Executive describing the situation as ‘extremely serious”.

You can read the full report here

The report continues: “The health board is planning to contact patients classed as “high risk” individually and is asking everyone to remain on their guard for any attempts to access their computer systems.”

When did the original attack at NHS Dumfries and Galloway happen?

A ransomware group targeted the health board in February. When its demands were not met it published stolen files online.

You can read our previous story here

The information that the hacker group claims to have published are “children’s mental health records, x-rays, test results and letters between healthcare professionals.”

What has been said about the recent update?

South Scotland MSP Colin Smyth said everyone should be on their guard.

“It is clear that the scale of the leak and the number of people affected is significantly higher than was first envisaged,” he said.

“It still remains unclear just exactly what has been leaked on each person, despite significant work by the NHS to work through millions of items.”

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